







[research gate]









On this page I present some reviews of the literature on the following topics, each one related to themes of my studies and research (past and present). As much as possible, the respective lists available here will be updated, though they do not represent comprehensive (exhaustive) summaries of the literature - and are therefore continually expanding.

Please note: the citation standard in these lists combines ABNT and APA. The languages covered include French, English, and Spanish, in addition to Portuguese.


Meaning of work
[period covered: 1950 a 2010]
[main descriptors: meaning and meaningfulness of work; values; centrality of work; patterns of meaning of work; social representations of work; cross-cultural comparisons of the meaning of work; meaning of work factors; social norms and work; history and ideology of work; valorizing and descriptive attributes of work; positive psychology and work]

Professional career
[period covered: 1970 a 2009]
[main descriptors: internal career; external career (objective); meaning of work and career; career models; organizational career; borderless career; protean career; craft career; nonlinear careers; careers and systems theory; careers study methodology; career and self-concept; career and narrative; non-traditional careers; psychology of vocational guidance; psychological contract]

Work and identity
[period covered: 1960 a 2009]
[main descriptors: psychosocial identity; professional identity; personal identity; self; identity and social representations; identity and narrative; identity theory; social identity theory; self-categorization theory and prototypicality; dialectical theory of identity]


Work performance
[period covered: 1980 a 2009]
[main descriptors: job performance; performance models; task performance; contextual performance; adaptive performance; episodic performance; performance predictors at work; organizational citizenship behavior; active performance; performance as a result and as a process; action, activity, and performance]


Qualitative methods
[period covered: 1970 a 2010]
[main descriptors: qualitative methods; content analysis; grounded theory; discourse analysis; ethnography; participative observation; focus groups; in-depth interviews; phenomenological analysis; use of software in qualitative analysis; action research; analysis of narratives and biographies; life story]