







[research gate]





[research group]




[Subject, meaning, and action in work]


[overview of the topic]

Work psychology, as an instituted field of knowledge, has appropriated "work" through meta-theoretical, theoretical, and specific technological strategies. In doing so, it contributes to the reproduction (or maintenance) of the traditions or narratives of meanings associated with work throughout the history of the industrial West. This is because such strategies are not applied "on the void", but they work on the repertories made available in those same traditions.

But psychology, by applying these strategies, also contributes to the reconstruction of the value, of the representations and meanings (repertories) tied to work. In this way, it takes an active position among the social sciences that also address issues related to work.

In this line of research, my interest is to analyze questions on meaning and action in work and its implications for our understanding of the "subject" and the "work" in present days. More specifically, the constructs studied in this line are the meaning and the sense of work, its psychosocial antecedents, and consequences.

[research fronts]

This line is structured into five broad fronts of investigation, each giving rise to different research projects:

  • How do the psychological appropriations of work contribute to action in the sphere of work, in particular professional performance?
  • How do the psychological appropriations reconstitute the sense/meaning of work today, specifically through their theories about career?
  • What are the distinctions, in the various traditions of work and organizational psychology, between sense (or meaningfulness) and meaning of work, and what are the implications of this?
  • How can the so-called "clinics of work" help us to think in new ways of understanding (or of “appropriation”) of work today?
  • How can we understand the meaning-making process in activities that take place outside the context of formal employment? What phenomena do they allow us to predict?


In addition to the articles published in the texts section, you can access other results, in the form of books: Psychology and Work and Work Clinics and Research methods in work psychology: work clinics